Samsung launched new M20 with the Exynos 7904 processor equipped with octa-core. It has 3 GB RAM and there is also an internal storage of 32 GB. M20 comes with Samsung’s latest Infinity V panel and a screen-to-body ratio of 90 percent. The reasonably prices model packs a 6.3-inch display with Full HD+ resolution and consists of dual cameras.
M20 comes with 13 MP, f / 1, 9 and 5 MP, f / 2 double rear camera with diaphragm. It is notable that it has a 5-MP ultra-wide sensor.
This ultra-wide sensor has 120-degree field of view and it is claimed that this view can capture details as a human eye.
In addition, Galaxy M20 features a 5,000mAh battery. Samsung that already captured the hearts of the users with this battery seems ambitious with its new price-performance oriented device.